

所有想去越南旅游的中国公民都需要越南签证的! 越南签证是越南政府授权的签证机关依照越南法律法规,在入境越南的外国公民 所持有的护照或其他旅行证件上的签注和盖印, 以表示允许其出入本国国境或者经过越南国境。第一种方法让中国公民获得有效越南旅游签证的是在机场办理签证。

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Visas to Vietnam have been made very simple.
Here’s why:
  • We do all that is necessary when you apply for a visa.
  • You made the form online, we send the result straight to your email.
  • You arrive in Vietnam, the visa is ready for pick up.
  • We have a 100% guarantee refund policy.
  • (see our refund policy)
Disclaimer: This website is not a government one and we are not affiliated with the embassy. We are in business to help and support those who need to get a visa for Vietnam.