If you want to apply for the fastest visa extension service in Vietnam, please contact us at info@vietnam-visa.hk Please send us your request, we will contact immediately.

Vietnam business visas: Foreign visitors who come to Vietnam for temporary business activities, such as business meetings and consultations, attending meetings or negotiating contracts, need to apply for a business visa. Vietnamese business visas have a maximum stay of 90 days, hold single or multiple entry.

To help tourists avoid the same thing, we have listed the common mistakes when applying for a landing visa in Vietnam. (1) No non-online application for landing visa in Vietnam: Many people think they can get a visa directly at Vietnam airport without applying online.

因为在越南签证申请表只有写上英文和越南文有很多旅客问我们怎么填写格? 然后,能不能写中文?这篇文章会帮您解决这个难题。 首先,平时情况下都需要写英文:可是工作,工作地址,居住地址您可以填写中文(因为有一些地方很难用英文来填写) 越南签证申请表(Form NA1)将提交在越南机场落地签证柜台拿到签证。


申请落地签证的更新表费: 请注意: 您将需要支付两种费用得到越南落地签证: 处理签证核准函于签证含服务费 (线上付款);在越南机场得付的盖章费用。 以下的费用只可用对于中国公民。

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Visas to Vietnam have been made very simple.
Here’s why:
  • We do all that is necessary when you apply for a visa.
  • You made the form online, we send the result straight to your email.
  • You arrive in Vietnam, the visa is ready for pick up.
  • We have a 100% guarantee refund policy.
  • (see our refund policy)
Disclaimer: This website is not a government one and we are not affiliated with the embassy. We are in business to help and support those who need to get a visa for Vietnam.