2020年越南农历新年假期(也是春节)将从2020年1月23日至2020年1月29日。 在这段时间越南使馆将关闭。

Vietnam business visas: Foreign visitors who come to Vietnam for temporary business activities, such as business meetings and consultations, attending meetings or negotiating contracts, need to apply for a business visa. Vietnamese business visas have a maximum stay of 90 days, hold single or multiple entry.

芽庄,也被称为南海里维埃拉,拥有6公里长的美丽海岸线、白色沙滩、清澈的海水、丰富的海洋生物和繁荣的珊瑚礁。 芽庄主要景点有芽庄珍珠岛、芽庄海滨、冲洛景区、芽庄大教堂、婆那加占婆塔、红石角、芽庄妙岛等。



To help tourists avoid the same thing, we have listed the common mistakes when applying for a landing visa in Vietnam. (1) No non-online application for landing visa in Vietnam: Many people think they can get a visa directly at Vietnam airport without applying online.


中国公民不在越南免签证名单中。 因此,居住在澳门或其他国家的澳门公民需要申请签证签证才能进入越南并在越南工作或旅游。

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Visas to Vietnam have been made very simple.
Here’s why:
  • We do all that is necessary when you apply for a visa.
  • You made the form online, we send the result straight to your email.
  • You arrive in Vietnam, the visa is ready for pick up.
  • We have a 100% guarantee refund policy.
  • (see our refund policy)
Disclaimer: This website is not a government one and we are not affiliated with the embassy. We are in business to help and support those who need to get a visa for Vietnam.